Friday, 23 February 2018

A Day in the Life of Pants

A Day in the Life
 of Lee's Plaid Pants

As I fold in after another day here in Hope Valley, I find myself wondering what the Hearties think a typical day here must be like.  I'm not sure what it is like for the others, but I can let you in on my world. So, let me tell you all about my day. It all started with a blast of cool air when Lee whipped open the wardrobe doors. You think he could be polite and at least give a quick knock first! You may be surprised that it's Lee and not Rosemary. She runs most of the house, but when it comes to his wardrobe, Leland takes charge.  I got a little time to stretch and wake up as he picked out his tie. He always starts with the tie--oh well, we can't be first in everything.

It's invigorating when I realize I will be the lucky pair of pants today! It means Lee is in a fun mood! Anything can happen! Then I see him grab a plain white button down and inwardly sigh realizing it's a fashion mullet.   Shirts and pants don't normally mingle outside work. They are a little too buttoned up to socialize with those they deem beneath them.

We are supposed to go to the office, but we meet up with Jack and head on over to Abigail's Cafe for some coffee before work. This always ends in another breakfast that Rosemary never finds out about, so the next few hours may be a little tight for me. Abigail's cooking is just too good!

A few hours in the office while Lee does paperwork isn't too bad. It gives me time to think about WCtH Jeopardy or other games and things that I could do with the Hearties. If I get bored, I just give a shrug, which of course makes Lee have to stand up and adjust.  At least we aren't at the mill today. Sometimes being there will make me sneeze, and no one wants that! Wondering what happens when pants sneeze? Ever suddenly realize that your pant's zipper is down? Yep, that means your pants just sneezed. If it happens often, that pair may have allergies and may need to be washed with a different detergent. 

I finally get the fun part of the day as we get to the saloon and meet up with the guys.  Bill's pants are always a bit grumpy; I think he wears them too tight. But they always have a good story to tell.  It's been a long day, and it's starting to get warm. I just hope we can go home soon as I'm starting to sweat my inseam. Then, Hickam spills a beer all over Lee's sleeve. Huzzah! It missed me by inches and the white button up is steamed! 

My favorite time of day is when I am folded up in the wardrobe and able to get on social media and interact with the Hearties! And now we even have the fun name of Plaiders! This show is so important to me and  you the Hearties are too! I love doing Spotlights because we get to learn about the Hearties one person at a time. We all have a story, we all have an interesting way the show, actors, or even other Hearties have touched our lives! I hope you enjoyed this little tale of my day!

See you on Twitter!

Lee's Plaid Pants