Sunday, 4 August 2019

Camp Hearties 2019- Week 2

Week 2- Saloon Swoon
Judged by : Ben Rosenbaum

This week teams embraced one of the newest residents of Hope Valley, Lucas Bouchard. Their creations from the tasks were so creative! So, welcome to our new Saloon owner!  Below are the tasks that teams had to choose from. They had to do 5 of them. 

Mandatory Tasks:

1)      Team Mascot Task- Lucas Bouchard was often overheard on the phone.  Send your mascot out into their community to find a Pay Phone or Phone Booth! Leave a Hearties calling card that would make Brian Bird proud and snap a picture proving that the mascot and the card were there.

2)      Kindness Task- Learn a magic trick and perform it for a child who may need some cheering up. Find a creative way to capture this task with a picture while still staying anonymous to the Hearties!  

Optional Tasks: Please pick 3 of the following tasks.

3) Create a new Mocktail for the Saloon.

4) Build a house of cards. Think outside the box! Does it need to be a house, or cards!?!
5) What your team believes rules for the Saloon set by the Fabulous Florence and her trusty sidekick Ned Yost would look like!
6) Show what Lucas was REALLY hiding in that trunk!
7) HV Kids have a lot of adventures. Design a book cover (including title) that Elizabeth writes inspired by their antics!

Now, onto the judging and comments by our Camp Judge, Ben Rosenbaum! All Ben's comments are in blue.
  Ben's Brownie Points
Originality- Hope Valley's Dips & Sprinkles
Humor- Elizabeth's Entourage
Layout- Hope Valley's Dips & Sprinkles
Quality- Elizabeth's Entourage

Elizabeth's Entourage

Ben-Well I am charmed by your old timey saloon theme. Very well done! And the Saloon Swoon is a perfect title in honor of the inspiration for this week’s challenges: Mr. Lucas Bouchard.
These rules are very funny, and so accurate! I’m so glad Florence and Ned aren’t in charge of the saloon. Lame!
What an adorable picture of the magician and her assistant! Thank you for the detailed instructions for this trick—I was able to follow along and do this trick myself, and I’m happy to report a great success! My audience member was not a kid, but she was nonetheless delighted.
What a tasty sounding mocktail! It sounds very sweet and refreshing, and would even be allowed in Florence and Ned’s saloon which is a real bonus.
Lucas’ mystery chest is hilarious. The truth is that these devices really are hidden all over set during production! The residents of Hope Valley would be dumbfounded, and Fiona would be out of a job!
You found a phone! and what a perfect note to leave behind! I wish there was some way to find out how many people tune in because of it. Way to spread the word!

Hope Valley's Dips & Sprinkles
Ben-Well this is delightful. The whole theme of a child’s birthday party invite by the ice cream crew is fantastic! And starting things off strong with a beautiful mocktail that will be without a doubt the saloon’s best seller all summer long. It looks delicious!
I like this house made out of greeting cards (and math flash cards?!), I hope they’re Hallmark cards! Very nice construction regardless.
I can tell it’s Lucas’ trunk because of the Queen of Hearts on top, nice touch! It’s the perfect twist to both the question of the contents of Lucas’ trunk AND in the storied history of Elizabeth and Abigail’s bubblegum wars! It’s also the perfect answer for what would be in that trunk at baby Jack’s birthday party.
Those kids look positively shocked by that trick! And who doesn’t love a mint-in-a-cola explosion?! Very exciting and fun stuff. Science can be like magic!
Wow! Your mascot found a pay phone! I have to assume that when the phone rang you found that it was THE HEART CALLING on the other end?!?!?! Hahaha that joke will always be fun.
Women of Wonder

Ben- Wow! Such dedication to the cause taking that adventure in pursuit on a pay phone! They’re tough to find, but I hope you had a good time at the zoo! I love seeing your mascot Wonder Woman with her special shield out in public, I’m sure she spread a lot of joy!
Your kindness magic yielded a curtsy from a princess, so I have to assume it went VERY well! Nice job!
I really like that the pattern of your peach colored background makes repeating W’s! Women of Wonder represent!
Unfortunately I can’t really see the details of a couple of your tasks (The letter in Lucas’ trunk and the house of cards), but I think I can see enough and I’m assuming that your “house of cards” is a doll house that contains cards?! So it is a house that cards live in? A house of cards. The title “Exhibits” makes me think there’s a museum angle here though, so I could be way off. Regardless it looks cool! I wish I could see it better!
Your book by Elizabeth looks like the coffee table book that should reside on every coffee table in Hope Valley! It is so lovely! It makes Hope Valley look like an ideal summertime experience.
*After judging had already been completed I was able to get the original pictures from the team captain. I am putting them here so that all the Hearties can read them and see all the work that went into this. They have also been sent to Judge Ben.
We are now halfway through Camp! It's going too fast! I can't wait to see what the teams put out for next week's Marshmallows & Mounties! Here are the standings as of week 2! Congratulations to all the teams and the hard work they are putting in! S'mores by the campfire tonight!
Camp Director,
 Lee's Plaid Pants

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