Friday 11 March 2016

Heartie Spotlight- Jody Naus

Friday's Heartie Spotlight

Jody Naus (@JodyNaus)

     Jody hails from Santa Clarita, California and she kindly answered my questions in my attempt to bring Hearties together and share our stories a little more intimately...a little more Hope Valley style.

Pants "How did you find When Calls The Heart?"
Jody "I found the show on Netflix, watched the first two seasons in four days, and then searched online for additional episodes...that's where I found a whole new world...Hearties!"


Pants" Who is your favorite character(s) from the show?
Jody "I love the Elizabeth character. I identify with her in many ways... She's stubborn, transitioning to a new life, not afraid to speak her mind, and a teacher."

Elizabeth has transitioned well and I like that she seems to know who she is now, and who she wants!

Pants "Besides WCTH, What are your top 3 TV shows?"
Jody "Call The Midwife, Downton, and Modern Family"

Hearties, I think the Downton Abbey audience are easy recruits! We don't have Lady Mary, but we do have Feisty Florence!

Pants" What are some of your hobbies?"
Jody" I am an avid knitter, I am never without a good book to read, and I'm a word nerd...I love Scrabble!"

Hearties, Jody is my Pun Partner on the word nerd came as no surprise to me! Look up some of our exchanges they are SEW brilliant!

Pants "Do you watch the show with anyone?"
Jody "I watch the show with Dudley Do-Right, my yellow lab"

Awww! I love dogs! They are very good viewing company indeed!

Pants " Is there anything else you would like to share with the Hearties?"
Jody "If the last 2 years of my life were a WCTH episode, it would be titled "Heartache." My husband has been battling Viral Congestive Heart Failure, and it has forever changed our lives. I was in a sad, dark place when I discovered WCTH in January 2016. For reasons I can't explain, this show resonated deeply with woke me up from a long depression and reminded me that having active hope and faith is a CHOICE! I'm incredibly thankful that Mr. Bird and Mr. Landon created a show that literally "called to my heart."

     We all have stories and we all have times in our lives where something wakes us up and resonates with us.  I'm thankful that Jody found WCTH, and that she has found the Hearties and the Pants!  Let's keep up our hard work and get a season 4 so that Mr. Bird can create even more stories for us to hold close to our Hearts!  

Thank you Jody, for answering my questions and for tweeting with me! 

Lee Coulter's Pants

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