Thursday, 10 March 2016

Throw Back Thursday: Abigail Stanton

Throwback Thursday! Today I am just going to post a few of Abigail's looks from Season 1 and 2. 

As the mourning for her husband and son led to a different life of owning a cafe, living with Elizabeth and gaining a Daughter-in-law, her fashion has changed too. She is falling in love and in control of her life instead of letting "the company" control her. 

She is strong and in control of her life and her fashion now represents that. But let's go back....waaay back to when we first met Mrs. Stanton. Her fashion was right for the times and her station. She was still mourning though and still on guard, so a little more "buttoned up" perhaps? And we can never forget when she became a miner!  And in the absence of Rosemary she was the one to welcome the new Miners and start off the dance!

In season 2 she has a chance to travel to Hamilton, win some money in the mine trial, and fall in love and get heartbroken! She mostly sticks with pinks, blues and purples which are lovely colors on her. What do you think Hearties of how her fashion has changed?!

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